عقیلی بیزنس منجمنت – ثبت شرکت در دبی – عقیلی https://abmdxb.com/en ثبت شرکت در دبی - دبی Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:44:56 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://abmdxb.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/logo-2-1.png عقیلی بیزنس منجمنت – ثبت شرکت در دبی – عقیلی https://abmdxb.com/en 32 32 Company registration in Dubai https://abmdxb.com/en/%d8%ab%d8%a8%d8%aa-%d8%b4%d8%b1%da%a9%d8%aa-%d8%af%d8%b1-%d8%af%d8%a8%db%8c/ https://abmdxb.com/en/%d8%ab%d8%a8%d8%aa-%d8%b4%d8%b1%da%a9%d8%aa-%d8%af%d8%b1-%d8%af%d8%a8%db%8c/#respond Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:43:28 +0000 https://albastakibm.com/?p=265 عقیلی بیزینس منیجمنت

Company registration is an administrative service for obtaining a license for a commercial, service, industrial, commercial and agricultural activity in order to formalize a business.

انتخاب نوع شرکت، با توجه به تخصص و نوع سرمایه گذاری مشتریان و موارد مرتبط آن نیازمند یک مشاوره ی تخصصی بر پایه ی تجربه و دانش است. یک راهنمایی جامع به شما کمک خواهد کرد تا با تمامی شرایط مربوط به کار و سرمایه گذاری در دبی آشنا شوید و بدون هیجگونه ریسک و هزینه ی گزاف، با آرامش به ثبت شرکت بپردازید.

اقتصاد رو به رشد، عدم وجود تورم و وجود قوانین ساده اما اصولی هر بازرگان و تاجری را به مهاجرت و سرمایه گذاری در این کشور ترغیب می کند. برای ثبت هر شرکتی نیاز به یک مجوز است که برای ثبت هر شرکت این مجوز ها متفاوت است.

The growing economy, the absence of inflation and the presence of simple laws are what encourage every businessman to emigrate and invest in this country, and in the Emirates there are different regions and licenses for registering companies, and these licenses are also different. The best option for company registration is a commercial, professional, service and general trading company, which we will explain in detail.

Benefits of company registration

Work License:

The possibility of obtaining a residence permit for two years after registering the company

The possibility of obtaining residence for first-degree relatives

The possibility of simple and quick renewal after each year

The possibility of opening a personal bank account for the company

The possibility of using the benefits of residence and obtaining a driver's license and health insurance


The company registration license in Dubai - UAE is divided into three groups:

* Commercial License

* Professional License

* Industrial License

Trading Company:

Commercial company registration is one of the most common types of company registration in Dubai. These companies are active in the field of buying and selling (exports and imports).
When registering a trading company, at least two and no more than fifty shareholders can register their partnership. After determining the shares, each partner is responsible for the percentage of his shares, and the responsibility for all the rights of the company is from the shareholders and the loss is determined on the basis of the proportion of their shares. It should be noted that it is possible to obtain residency for two partners and their families.

In order to register a company, the type of activity must first be determined, based on the type of activity, an application for company registration is submitted. These activities can be in different groups and categories. After registration, each company can only operate in the area of the company that registered it, for example, a person who registers a grocery company cannot trade in clothing, petroleum products or any other activity. Therefore, after the registration of the company, only goods related to the activities registered in the license can be bought, sold, exported and imported.

When registering a commercial company, it is necessary to rent an office, it can be an office unit or an office from another company, in order to register the company at that address. A commercial company cannot be registered without a contract.
دولت امارات با سیاست جذب سرمایه گذران خارجی با لغو قوانین گذشته این مجوز که صاحبان مشاغل می توانند مالکیت %100 شرکت خود باشند، را اجرای نمود. یعنی اجبار شریک اماراتی یا کفیل در قانون ثبت شرکت حذف گردید.

Professional Services Company

Service or professional companies are companies whose primary nature is to provide services and goods cannot be bought and sold in these companies. For example, a doctor, artist or engineer are the ones who provide their science and arts, and their activity license is issued by registering a service company. Also, many immigrants and investors who are looking for residency in Dubai and do not have a plan for their business, registering a service company is the best option. A service company is an excellent option for those who decided to register a company because of its high efficiency in the short term. Usually, people with higher education seek to register a professional company or service. In service companies, a person from the company holding the title of service lawyer is responsible for the administrative affairs of the client at all relevant administrative stages, from inception to renewal in the coming years. Many immigrants who travel to this country for the purpose of living and obtaining residency and do not have a commercial purpose, the best option for such people is to register a service company that provides the possibility of obtaining residence and living, it should be noted that in the company professionals do not have any goods to buy and sell, and the owners of these companies are sellers of their services to customers.

Some jobs that require registration of a service company

Internet Services & Programming Companies

IT Services

Educational services

Accounting & Auditing Services

Medical services

Engineering Services

Architecture and design

Legal Advice

Athletes & Coaches


Industrial License

This license is issued for the production or processing of goods, and allows investors who are active in various sectors of industry, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, oil and gas, etc. to obtain an industrial license.

Is it possible to obtain an industrial license with a virtual office?

No, one of the main conditions for obtaining an industrial license is having an office, workshop, factory or production facility in the UAE.

Is the guarantor law still in force at the time of company registration?

In the past, when the company was registered, 49% of the Iranian partners and 51% of the UAE guarantor owned the shares, but currently the owner and responsible for 100% of the company's shares in the name of the owner or owners of the company.

How much does it cost to register a company in Dubai?

The cost of registering a company in Dubai and other areas of the UAE depends on the type of company, the number of partners, the company's brand and other related services requested by each client.


Holding companies are known as parent companies. They cannot work alone. These companies are used as shareholders or subsidiaries in different industries and sectors. Holding companies are usually shareholders of other companies, and through the management of subsidiaries, they generate income, increase capital or raise the value of shares. These companies usually operate in the sectors real estate, oil and gas, banking, handicrafts, food, etc.

ثبت هلدینگ در دبی

شرکت عقیلی بیزینس منیجنمت به دلیل تجربه ی مدیریت در هلدینگ عقیلی (البستکی) بهترین مشاور در این خصوص می باشد.

General Trading Company Registration

There are people who seek to create many activities together. A general trading company allows capital owners to choose their activities after registering the company,

جنرال تردینگ البستكي

البته شایان ذکر است با ثبت شرکت جنرال تردینگ در برخی از فعالیت ها نیز محدودیت فعالیت وجود دارد.


The General Trading Company grants business owners this license to operate in a number of commercial fields after registering the company. In the registration of a general trading company, the type of activity is not specified, which is why the company is registered in less time. In this company, the investor has relative functional freedom.

خدمات عقيلي

Before doing any travel or immigration work, reach out to Aqili Business Management Consultants (Bastaki).

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